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This site contains affiliate links and/or third party ads. At no additional cost to you, I may receive a small fee from any purchases made from or clicks on my affiliate links, which is then used for site upkeep, supplies, or other necessities related to this site. Please consider purchasing your crochet supplies or other items using my links so I can keep providing patterns to you at no cost. Please visit my Legal page for details.


Here you'll find various links to resources, my other sites and stores, helpful YouTube videos I've found, and other things I found helpful or interesting.

Crochet-related resources:

Rose's Rows YouTube channel
  • My YouTube channel where you'll find all of my posted videos in one convenient place!
  • A great site for making crochet graphs, and it accommodates other crafts too, like knitting and cross-stitch. Downloads are paywalled, but you can still save the charts you create to the site under your own account for free.
  • My favorite resource for free and paid crochet patterns! My own are crossposted here as well.
  • Another resource for patterns, all free. My only issue is with their ads being a little obtrusive, but they've been better about that recently.
Other stuff:

My Cafepress store
  • Here you'll find thousands of products made with my own artwork. Purchases help me pay the bills, so take a look and see if anything strikes your fancy. I recommend my Photography category!

Check back soon for
updates and additional links!

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